venerdì 28 novembre 2014

Nilza Costa live at Stary Klasztar in Breslavia, Poland
17th November 2014

Whit Federico Codicè (Guitar), Pippi Demonte (Double bass) and Roberto Rossi (Drums)

giovedì 27 novembre 2014

Nilza Costa live at Galli Theatre Hamburg in Hamburg
14th November 2014

Roberto Rossi (Drums)

Nilza Costa (Voice)

Federico Codicè (Guitar)

Pippi Dimonte (Double bass)

 Watutsi Watutsi (Percussion)

Thanks to Petra Sorge Dos Santos's photos

martedì 11 novembre 2014

Nilza Costa na Ethno Jazz Festivalu!

"Revolution, Rivoluzione, Revoluçao”- to najnowszy album brazylijskiej piosenkarki i autorki tekstów Nilza Costa.

Nilza Costa pochodzi z miejscowości Ondina niedaleko Salvadoru w brazylijskim stanie Bahia, gdzie szczególnie mocno przenikały się kultury napływowych afrykańskich niewolników z tradycjami miejscowych plemion.

Z głębokim „czarnym” głosem, Nilza zaprasza słuchacza do odkrywania przeszłości sięgającej czasów mitów i tradycji kraju, którego ludność poprzez muzykę znalazła drogę do wyzwolenia.

Album charakteryzuje się klasycznymi dźwiękami world music oraz afro jazzu, gdzie afro-brazylijskie korzenie Nilzy wzbogacone zostały światem samby, jazzu, reggae i bluesa.
Piosenki śpiewane są w języku portugalskim, joruba (starożytny język afrykańskich niewolników) i włoskim.

Projekt zrealizowany został z udziałem muzyków jazzowych, między innymi z Boliwii, gdzie powstał album.

Nilza Costa szczególne wsparcie otrzymała od zaprzyjaźnionego gitarzysty Peppe Siracusa a także Giancarlo Bianchetti i Massimo Donno (gitara); Roberto Rossi i Cristian Vistoli (perkusja); Carlo Atti (saksofon altowy); Claudio Cadei (skrzypce), Davide Garattoni (kontrabas), Manuel Dimba Monteiro (perkusja); Gianluca Sia (saksofon sopranowy) i Silvia Donati, Carlotta Monti i Francesca Biancoli (vocal).

Na scenie podczas koncertu artystce towarzyszą:
Roberto Rossi - perkusja
Federico Códice – gitara
Pippi Dimonte – kontrabas

17.11.14 godz.20.00
Klub Muzyczny Stary Klasztor
ul. Purkyniego 1, Wrocław

Ethno Jazz Festival – Muzyka Świata w Starym Klasztorze
NILZA COSTA (Brazylia) - koncert promujący płytę „”Revolution, Rivoluzione, Revoluçao”
bilety: 35 zł – miejsca siedzące, 25 zł – wejściówki (studenci i uczniowie)

Bilety dostępne w sieci salonów Empik i MediaMarkt w całej Polsce oraz w serwisach:,,,,

Nilza Costa live in Germany!

Nilza Costa präsentiert Debüt-Album am 13./16.11

Nilza Costa präsentiert ihr Debüt-Album „Revolution, Rivoluzione, Revolução“

[ Stilistik: World Music - Afro Jazz ]

Revolution, Rivoluzione, Revolucao, Debut-Album von Nilza Costa, ist eine Reise, die von den Urspruengen der Singer/-Songwriterin ausgeht, die in Salvador, Bahia, geboren wurde und uns von einem mystischen Brasilien erzaehlt. Ihre “schwarze” Stimme laesst den Hoerer eine Vergangenheit entdecken, verknuepft mit den Mythen und Traditionen eines Volkes, das durch die Musik den Weg zur Emanzipation fand. Nilza interpretiert diese Spannung, indem sie diese in eine Metapher umwandelt, die alle Menschen betrifft und in der Revolution die richtige Antwort findet. Ein Album aus reiner World Music und Afro Jazz; die Wurzeln der afro-brasilianischen Nilza, vermischt mit Samba, Jazz, Reggae und Blues, erinnern an Licht und Schatten des Dschungels.

Viele Kuenstler aus der Region Bolognas nehmen daran teil: Gitarristen wie Giancarlo Bianchetti, Peppe Siracusa und Massimo Donna, Percussionisten wie Roberto Rossi und Cristian Vistoli, am Altsaxophon Carlo Atti, Geige spielt Claudio Cadei, Davide Garattoni den Kontrabass, Manuel Dimba Monteiro ist am Schlagzeug, am Sopransaxophon Gianluca Sia, Choristinnen sind Silvia Donati, Carlotta Monti und Francesca Biancoli.

Bei Live-Auftritten besteht die Besetzung von Nilza Costa aus:

Roberto Rossi, Schlagzeug | Federico Codice, Gitarre | Pippi Dimonte, Kontrabass

Deutschland-Termine 2014:

13.11.2014 Kultstätte Keller, Berlin|

14.11.2014 Galli Theater, Hamburg|

16.11.2014 Hangar49, Berlin|

18.11.2014 Räuber & Rebellen, Recklinghausen|

19.11.2014 KitCafè, Düsseldorf|

20.11.2014 Mampf, Frankfurt|

/// Artist Website:

/// Album @ Bandcamp:

Credits to:

mercoledì 5 novembre 2014


Anno: 2014
Etichetta: SoundLab/Fono Fabrique
Distribuzione: SoundLab/Fono Fabrique
Genere: Jazz Funk Strumentale

1. Mama’s Walk
2. Bananology
3. White Room
4. Groovin’ Down
5. Coffee Break
6. Wooood #1
7. Wooood #2

Pippi Dimonte & Overcrowded Duo ci propongono il loro album Morning Session uscito per SoundLab/Fono Fabrique, neonata etichetta bolognese. Raramente mi sono trovato in difficoltà a iniziare un discorso chiaro e conciso per definire al meglio l’anima di una band e della musica proposta, ma in questo caso devo ammettere di essermi imbattuto in una piccola perla.

Venti minuti di Arte, quella con la A maiuscola che ti rapisce e ti entra nel profondo sin dal primo ascolto a partire dal primo singolo estratto Mama’s Walk (ascolta qui), in un turbinio di atmosfere e sensazioni che solo l’eleganza del jazz e il ritmo del funky possono darti, abbinati a una notevole tecnica e un’ottima produzione.

Album come questi hanno la forza di regalarti un sorriso e di farti capire come la passione per ciò che ami alimenti ogni giorno la tua vita.

Gli Overcrowded Duo , la band creata da Nicola Benetti (batteria) e Alessandro De Lorenzi (chitarra), sono attivi sulla scena musicale emiliana dal 2010. Nel 2012 incontrano il bassista/contrabbassista Pippi Dimonte col quale nasce subito una profonda amicizia e grande intesa musicale. Con questa nuova formazione si intensifica notevolmente l’attività live della band che ormai si afferma nella scena funky bolognese.

Nel dicembre 2013 decidono di incidere un album interamente composto da inediti scritti e arrangiati da Pippi Dimonte, e così si ritrovano nello scorso gennaio negli studi del Sound Lab. L’interesse e 
l’esigenza primaria per questo lavoro era quello di rendere il sound del disco il più fedele possibile al mood che il trio riesce a ricreare sul palco, perciò le registrazioni avvengono tutte in presa diretta, senza artificiosità, in un unica seduta mattutina, da qui il nome Morning Session.

Simone Caffi

martedì 4 novembre 2014

Nilza Costa Reviewed on TheWorldMusicReport

Nilza Costa is an extraordinary Afro-Brasilian musician. She has a riveting voice that—in the Western music realm would be considered contralto—is mesmerising because of its sensuous almost physical quality in which Ms. Costa does not so much as sing the words of her songs as licks them and then tosses them out with an almost beautiful contempt and so steeped in sardonicism and irony that they pierce and hurt the consciousness. In her album Revolution Rivoluzione Revolução she is strident in tone, yet her music echoes with an African regality and grandeur that informs the music of Brasil. Brasil is not unique in Latin America for being influenced by African music and dance, but memories are short and many Latin cultures, such as Argentina, are even in denial about the influence of Africa. Brasilian music (and dance) without the African inspiration is simply impossible. Brasilian atabaque—the ganza, marimba and cuica as well as the berimbau (the soul of capoeira is almost certain to have come from the musical bows of Southern Africa) all have African origins. Nilza Costa’s music also further glues Brasilian music to its African origins. Her sambas, a dance form derived from of semba, (again from Bantu Southern Africa) are subtle and like the shuffling of dancing feet in and among a circle of friends and tribal communities. Ms. Costa’s music also recalls the fetishist chants and dramatic dances like Congos, Congadas and Quilombos, the nasal twang in the Brazilian singing voice, some choreographic steps are also Afro-Brazilian musical manifestations.

Nilza Costa’s rich and eclectic sound is boundless. Although it echoes with the rhythms of Salvador de Bahia, where she was born, it pulses and beats with a heart that beats for Africa, this rich (African) heritage underpins the expressions of Candomblé, Capoeira, Samba, Maculelé and Cantigas de Roda. Her notes and phrases are wrought with a voice dense with the emotion that is born under a Bahian sky but harkening back to Africa. The lasting impression of her vocalastics is deeply integrated by the gravitas with which she brings to her source material—“Africa” and “Afoxé do Amor” spring immediately to mind—and stand out almost as improvisational as if they were created on the spot. Ms. Costa can be rustic and emotionally sweet too as in “Soberanía Popular” and she can also breathe fiery dialogues with the instrumentation as she does on “Blues de Yansa”. Her singing can also be almost uncharacteristically lithe as the lines seem to flow like bubbling brooks. And finally, without sacrificing power and speed, she mines the lyrics of her deeply Africanised and beautiful music with delicacy and precise elegance. In fact, it feels as if Ms. Costa ultimately liberates the music`s ebb and flow with grace and fortitude. And this is perhaps the most profoundly beautiful aspects of this heart-stopping record by someone who is unabashedly African in her approach to Latin American music. The record is utterly memorable.

Track List: Obanixa; Africa; Filhós do Vento; Soberanía Popular; Blues de Yansa; Pedra do Pedro; Afoxé do Amor; Ispiraçao Primeira; Calundu; My Troubles; Lettera della Terra.

Personnel: Nilza Costa: voice; Peppe Siracusa: electric guitar (4, 10,11); Giancarlo Bianchetti: cavaquinho (3, 7); Massimo Donno: acoustic guitar (4, 10); David Garatoni: acoustic bass, electric bass (11); Pippi di Monte: electric bass (11); Roberto Rossi: drums and percussion ( 1 – 10), Manuel D. Monteiro: drums (4, 10); Giovanni B. Maraschini: drums (8, 11); Christian Vistoli: percussion (4, 10); Daniel Cau: tenor saxophone and bassoon (5, 8); Carlo Atti: alto saxophone (10); Gianluca SIa: soprano saxophone (2, 4); Claudio Cadei: violin (4, 6); Carlotta Monti: background voice (2); Silvia Donati: background voice (5); Francesca Biancoli: background voice (10); Carime Annunziata: chorus (4); Alberto Irrera: chorus (7); Marco Benatti: sound effects and electronics; Stefano Artini: sound effects and electronics (11); Jorge Viera: electronics.

Label: SoundStudioLab | Release date: July 2014

- See more here!
- Listen Nilza Costa full Album here!
Written by Raul De Gama

lunedì 3 novembre 2014

Nilza Costa - BLUES DE YANSÃ LIVE@Teatro del Sale (Firenze)

Il 10 Luglio 2014 Nilza Costa si è esibita al Teatro del Sale di Firenze accompagnata da Federico Codicé (chitarra e voce) e Roberto Rossi (batteria e voce). 

In questo video, prodotto da Studio Soundlab di Bologna, è stato selezionato il brano Blues de Yansã, dall'album "Revolution, Rivoluzione, Revolução".